Project: Spark / Panalpina Challenge on the Circular Economy

Outline: Trends in global supply chains were examined with reference to emerging standards and changing Chinese waste import policies from the West.

Funding: Economic and Social Research Council Impact Acceleration Account (IAA)
Date: 2016
Research Institution: School of Geography and Planning at Cardiff University
Partner: Panalpina Group

Principal Investigator: Dr Andrew Flynn
Research Associate: Dr Nick Hacking

Role: I arranged and analysed interviews with sixteen stakeholders and contributed to two publications.

2019 - I was co-author on a peer-reviewed publication in the Journal of Cleaner Production showing the importance of standards to global supply chains.
2019 - I was also second author on a peer-reviewed publication in the Environmental Innovation & Societal Transitions on the use of standards by China in its waste recycling trade with the UK and other developed nations.

British Standards (BS) 8001: 2017

Circular Economy - standards